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Put Your Dream to the Test

There will be a free introductory video conference on Friday, March 11th, from 8:00-9:00 am MST.

We will be continuing the conversation during a six-week, one-hour-per-week, video conference. You’ll join forces with a unique group of hand-selected, like-minded individuals who are all focused on their dream.

We all have dreams, but few of us are willing to do whatever it takes to bring our dreams to life.

Whether you’re ready to revive an old dream or you’re in search of a new one, there are 10 simple questions you must ask yourself in order to succeed. As adults, we rarely think about the things we once dreamed of accomplishing. Perhaps circumstances have changed, or we no longer have the same desires, but we all have the capacity to desire more.

Don't let past disappointment, lack of confidence, or settling for average stand in your way. Did you know that 100% of highly successful leaders have a dream? Ninety-five percent of them accomplish their dreams!

If you’re ready to learn the difference between a being a dreamer and a doer, join me for Put Your Dream To The Test Information Session

Introductory Meeting - March 11, 2022 - 8:00-9:00 am MST

6-Week Session Starts March 22, 2022 at 11:30 am MST

(Includes a complimentary 30-minute coaching session)

Early Bird Discount - $125
(when you register
by May 13)

dvrcc, domestic violence and rape crisis center, dickinson, dickinson north dakota
Are you truly living your life's purpose?
Do you long to be a more effective leader?

Guide to Growth Lunch and Learn

Join us for an eight-week, one-hour-per-week, video conference. You’ll join forces with a unique group of hand-selected, like-minded individuals who are all focused on growing personally and professionally. Having the support and ideas of other ambitious people will allow you to gain a new perspective on how to develop ideas and key concepts about how to encourage growth in your everyday life. You'll gain the skills to empower people to move past the fear of failure.

8-Week Session Starts March 12th, 2022 at 8:00 am MST

(Includes a complimentary 30-minute coaching session)

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Aspire To...
Empower Your Mind & Body

This is an event by women and for women. We will be empowering your mind through a communication and connection discussion and your body through learning some basic self-defense moves. The self-defense portion of the morning is for ages 16-116 and all fitness levels. Start your weekend off with some personal growth along with a few friends.

April 2, 2022 - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm MST

Eagles Club
31 1st Ave East

Dickinson, ND

Stay tuned for future topics

ALL proceeds go to


Cost: $25

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Garden of Growth

Join us for a 12-week, one-hour-per-week, face-to-face conversation. You’ll join forces with a unique group of hand-selected, like-minded individuals who are all focused on growing personally and professionally. Having the support and ideas of other ambitious people will allow you to gain a new perspective on how to develop ideas and key concepts about how to encourage growth in your everyday life. You'll gain the skills to move past your fears and empower yourself and others.

July 6, 2022 - September 21, 2022 - Time: TBD


Change Your World - Tranformation Tables

How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Difference.

Anyone willing to learn and live good values can change their world. Transformation Tables help us learn to lead ourselves and become better on the inside than we are on the outside.

When & Where:
Ongoing groups - weekly, online video conference 


Kim McNaney


I am the Aspire Administrative Assistant. I have worked with Ellie since 2014. I am a boy mom tried and true. I have two boys - ages 8 and 5, two male dogs - Rex and Freckles, and a husband - Nathan. I love camping, home decorating/projects, and reading. I am originally from Lemmon, SD; however, have called Dickinson home since 2002. I enjoy every opportunity to meet and get to know new people, as well as find ways to help them.

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Upcoming Events

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The 6 Types of Working Genius Luncheon Workshop

What brings you joy in your work?
What drains your energy and brings frustration?

Each of us have God-given abilities and we tend to get joy and energy from the kind of work we love.  We gravitate toward it and are pretty good at it.

Sometimes though we have to do those tasks that exhaust or drain us.   They steal our energy and our ability to contribute to work.  Patrick and his team call those our Working Frustrations.

Join us to hear more about the WIDGET model and revolutionize your work day!

Register here 

Jan. 19, 2023
12:00 - 1:00 MST
Dickinson Chamber of Commerce Boardroom


Ellie Papineau

Speaker, Trainer, and Coach


DISC Certified Trainer with Personality Inventory

John C. Maxwell Leadership Team Member

15 years Mental Health and Addiction Counseling

12 years Business Building and Leadership



Life Coaching

Location & Contact Info


North Dakota

Phone: 701-290-1425

Fax: 866-223-6996

Ellie Papineau


I am a life long, proud western North Dakota resident.  I aim to live my life with the primary values of faith, compassion, humility, hard work and humor. 


I grew up in Alexander.  I graduated from Minot State University with a degree in Psychology.  Upon graduation I moved to Dickinson and haven't left.  I spent the first 15 years of my working life as a Licensed Addictions Counselor. I served all ages in this role and facilitated group as well as individual counseling. 


My career journey then took me to business building.  I moved in to the world of insurance. (If you're interested more in how that came to be, just ask!).  Building a business and being self employed taught me so much.  However, "to whom much is given, much is required", as the saying goes and I was promoted to lead a team.  What an incredible blessing and honor this was!  I learned from some of the best leaders in North and South Dakota who then exposed me to the best leaders in the WORLD.  I am grateful to have met and studied under John C. Maxwell. (If you're not sure who that is, look him up.  You'll be glad you did).  I've been privileged to learn from John Maxwell, Jeff Henderson, Joko Willink, Inky Johnson, Doris Kearns Goodwin,  Don Yaeger and General Colin Powell, to name a few.  Each of these leaders and so many others have shaped my life personally and professionally. 


Aspire Coaching and Speaking (Ellie Papineau LLC) began in January of 2022.  I bring high quality training without the expense of extensive travel to western ND and eastern MT. I blend my education and experience to bring you a customized training experience that can transform your life and business.  Helping you live your purpose, helps me live mine.  

On a personal note, I am a grandmother of five incredible people.  Life lessons abound from them every day and they are one of my greatest blessings.  We are a blended family with four adult children living right in our community.  I am an avid reader, sports lover, and dog mom.  I appreciate and practice yoga, but unfortunately my competitive sports days are behind me.  At least that's what my body tells me even though my mind says differently!

Lastly, I live my faith in God and wear it on my sleeve.  Part of that is accepting all people where they are in their faith journey.  I promise everyone I meet and work with that level of respect.  After all, we are all made differently, but made to coexist on this beautiful planet.

I look forward to hearing from you and getting to know your story.  It will be my pleasure to walk alongside your partner in realizing and fulfilling your life's purpose.

Lunch and Learn sessions are bite-size trainings.  In the time it takes to have lunch you and your team can enhance your culture, grow your skills, generate sales, and improve communication.

Connection Groups offer a combination of education, brainstorming, peer accountability and support in a peer-to-peer setting that will sharpen your business and personal skills.  They consist of a weekly meeting for 5-10 weeks.  Connection groups give participants the opportunity to learn from one another.  Participants support and encourage one another to set strong goals, develop effective strategies and ultimately achieve success.


 *  All services are available face to face or virtually.

Lunch and Learn and Connection Groups

Business Owners/Sales Professionals

DISC Training

"Discover a new approach to the DISC model.  Experience the personality styles in a way that will help you better understand yourself and others, enhance leadership, manage conflict, and generate sales.  

We all know that individuals who are self-aware are more likely to maximize their talents, more effectively recognize and manage their challenges, and produce better results. Self-aware people work better with their colleagues and promote teamwork at every level of your organization. In return, your company experiences higher morale, lower turnover, and better results.

Everyone, whether they realize it or not (and most do not), is a co-creator of workplace culture. When people understand their own personality and behavioral style and show respect for individual differences, they impact the culture in a very positive way. By applying the wisdom of the styles, each person improves the culture, one interaction at a time." (

This program is just the beginning of learning to communicate more effectively to build relationships with others.  Groups of 8-100+ people will learn and have a few laughs while doing it.  

*  All services are available face to face or virtually.


Too often we struggle with goal clarity or identifying the obstacles that are holding us back.  By utilizing life coaching we will uncover the strategies for overcoming these obstacles and be able to identify what you are truly designed to accomplish in your life.  By making the most of your strengths and gifts I will provide the support you need to achieve long lasting life change.  You will experience greater fulfillment in your career, relationships, and your day-to-day life.

Whether you are new to the business arena or been at it for quite some time, the responsibility of running your business falls on your shoulders.  Running your own business is a big hill to climb and it can feel lonely, isolating, uncertain and overwhelming.  The good news is you don't have to do it alone.  Having support from a business coach is like having a best friend who speaks your business language.  I am passionate about helping business owners and sales professionals reach the top of the mountain and beyond.  

I will work with you personally, with your leadership team, or your entire staff to maximize your talents and reach your goals.


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